Quick History of the NBN

The National Broadband Network (NBN) was meant to provide high-speed Internet for each and every Australian. Due to poor low budget estimates, Australia’s governments (Both parties) used inferior materials to construct the country’s National Internet network and they are now upgrading them on a "highest demand, first served" basis.

The copper cables in use by the NBN in Australia weren’t meant to meet the type of demand for Internet we require today. Larger metropolises across the country have had their Internet upgraded to fibre with access to speeds ranging from 100Mbps to 1000Mbps.

Smaller cities and towns across the country currently deal with Internet speeds of 15-50Mbps because they continue to be served with Internet built on the old Telstra copper that is constantly eroding and failing due to the nature of the technology. This simply won’t do.

Why is fibre the best option?

Fibre is the world's standard for reliable Internet. 

Fibre is much more reliable than coper or wireless and can provide the fastest Internet speeds available on the planet today. Fibre Internet words submerged under water and is used under the sea for 1000s of kilometres. Australia CSIRO is a world leader in technology behind fibre-optic cable, but the country’s National Broadband Network doesn’t currently reap its benefits. See here

Residential Grade vs Business Grade?

There are two grades of NBN service. 

Residential and Business service are different because of the unique needs between businesses and homes. Businesses require a bandwidth guarantee - they need to store a lot of data and ensure the highest level of uptime possible (Because outages cost money). Homes require various levels of reliability. Privacy is important, but there is simply less emphasis on reliability as most can handle a small outage from time to time.  

In order, from least reliable to most reliable:

residential Grade

 Worst: Fixed Wireless

 Worst: Satellite

 Palatable for now: FTTN (Copper)

 BEST: FTTP (Fibre)  


 BEST: Enterprise Ethernet Priority Class 

 BEST: Guaranteed Bandwidth 24x7

Ready to upgrade Bangalow’s NBN Internet services?

The great PR pitch!

Remember this: "NBN will bring high speed internet to all Australians!"

FALSE: What they left out of this PR statement was, the grade of service, reliability, suitability for the application. Today, business rely on the Internet as much (or more) then they do electricity, yet most business pay more for power than they do Internet?

Why do we need to come together for the government to upgrade us? 

Simply put, the government is going to fix the squeaky wheel first. 

They are not exactly sure IF when they do the said upgrade, who will use it. So that is why it is important for us to come together as a community and let them know “Hey! Bangalow wants it, put us on the upgrade path please!”. Because if it isn't us, it will be another region.

Did you know...

  • Fixed Wireless, FTTN and FTTP do not have an SLA and as such can “legally” have up to 8 outages per day before they are deemed as “unsuitable for purpose“ (broken). Can your business handle that?
  • Fixed Wireless, FTTN and FTTP do not have a performance guaranteed. The minimum speed to deem the service “in spec” and working is 25Mbps (The same speed as ADSL2!), not exactly “High Speed”... 
  • Business nbn™ is not available on the nbn™ fixed wireless network. These options are not available on business nbn™ Satellite Service.*

* Yes that is correct! If you are using Fixed Wireless for business, this is not a supported use as per NBN Co’s very own website... see here

* This depends on how many people on your street are using the service at the same time.

What is a good speed for a residential home?

Today, homes have so many devices connected to the internet, and many of these consume large amounts of data in the background without you even knowing.

For example: An iPhone update can be 5GB in size, and if there is a couple of iPhones and iPads, it is 20GB++ overnight.

Other devices that will consume bandwidth without you knowing are:
Computers, Max Updates, Printer updates, phones, tablets, TVs, PlayStation, Xbox, Netflix, Kayo, Stan Fetch TV, Foxtel or TV Playing devices or records, Stereo, sound systems, remote controlled lights and switches, security cameras and WIFI calling.
If you have 2 or more people in the house watching catch up TV and/or Netflix, your Internet should be 100Mbps+ to support these services without any issue and with all those background services running without your knowledge as well.

The global entry level standard for intern in 2021 is 100Mbps Download and 50Mbps Upload (100Mbps/50Mbps)

A great Internet speed is 200Mbps +

An excellent, Internet speed is 1000Mbps

Ready to upgrade Bangalow’s NBN Internet services?

Business Users

continue reading for more information

Why is fast, reliable internet important for a business?

  • The cost of lost productivity for when your Internet is down, slow or inconsistent, is expensive. The reality is that with just a few staff, you can count the cost as $100s/hr during an outage. 
  • ​Every staff person usually has 2-3 devices. Computer, phone, Tablet. 
  • ​Zoom/Teams video calls have gone ballistic over Covid and is only set to increase. Businesses are realising that if you can stay in the office instead of traveling around, you can get more done... But I'm sure you know this already. 
  • ​Be prepared to pay (As its cheaper than downtime or rent in a city location) Business Internet usually starts from $300/mth + and can reach $980/mth at the top end.

What is a good speed for a business?

500/500Mbps Symmetrical is a great start for a business. 
But the more bandwith the better, in our opinion.
This consistent speed of a symetrical business grade service will allow for anything from multiple zoom sessions to large file transfers, and for multiple people using the Internet at the same time without a problem.

In the USA, most businesses have 1000/1000Mbps and some even have 10,000/10,000Mbps. <- Our KIWI Cuzies also have 10,000Mbps Internet!

So, let's be honest, running your business over a 30-50Mbps Internet service is like dragging a parrachutte behind a Ferrai .

Will this help your mobile reception as well?

Yes. The two major carriers both support “Wifi Calling” which is when your mobile phone will use your WIFI internet if it thinks that is a more reliable connection then the cellular phone network. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work well with Fixed Wireless or FTTN. 

Ready to be part of Bangalow’s NBN group upgrade?

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